Tag Archives: MTBR.com

T.I.T.S (Night Riding)

Green Mountain, Thursday nights.  Hell, High Water, Freezing Temps, no matter the riders, well they ride.  This is my second night riding with the T.I.T.S posse and it was hard. All organized on the MTBR Forums mostly regulars but they sure are nice to fat slow guys like me.  First time riding with these guys a few weeks ago had 24 riders ranging from way faster than me to not quite as fast.  It was nice, I rode in the middle all night and had an awesome ride.  This time…Much colder and I didn’t feel so well but as I like to think a bad time riding is better than a good time in front of a computer…so I rode.  14-15 boys all very quick, I was the last guy in to every stop, sucking wind and ready to puke.  Good times…

SCAR loaned me a real light that he makes himself called the Amoeba Light…Check em out HERE then buy one from him.  I’ll have a full review as soon as I pony up the kibby to buy one myself.  It made the ol’Light In Motion look like a plastic flashlight duct-taped to my handlebars.  It’s amazing the confidence you can have while being able to see in the dark.  Good lights are highly reccomended for night riding on mountain bikes.

Brought the camera along.  Only to have the energy to take pre-ride shots…

I do plan on riding next Thursday and feeling better too.  I’m off to Dallas tomorrow for work, fun, fun.  I might try to bring the big camera out with me then but we’ll see, I don’t need any more weight to carry while chasing super fast single-speeders. Till next time, drink, be merry and ride your bike!